The Scuba Diving Park's layout was built in an extremely confusing way. To complete a round tour in an hour you need a guide. On your own you need about 5-10 dives to find all the sites. Most divers spend 15-30 minutes just with the sturgeons on the temple yard.
When you visit the scuba park we supply a 10 x 15cm dive route map for free. Larger maps are bulky and of limited availability.
We recommend to prepare the dive more carefully than most normally do. Normally the complexity of the lake is completely underestimated and a lot of time is wasted due to orientation problems.
Start with the maps we supply here. Print out a high resolution map and look for the dive sites on our web pages. You'll also find panoramic views of each one.
Detailed Map

Prepared after a survey made a few days before filling the lake. Click the image to see a larger version.
The larger print version is available --> here
Recommended Dive Route

We have left out many details in this map for the sake of clarity. It is therefore useful for navigation in the lake. The section diagrams make confusing parts clearer. If you study this before hand you can save a lot of time under water.
The recommended dive route is an optimal course that ensures that all areas are visited in an ideal sequence. Ideal means: rather than starting out in a 100m long cave you first get a chance to get used to it with short tunnel sections. Ideal also means: there is a 'dramaturgy' in which experience highlights are followed by areas which allow for 'cooling off'. The route you ultimately choose, however, it is entirely up to you.
The print version is available --> here
This photo was taken just before the lake was filled.

Click the image to see a larger version.