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Building Project - Specifications Print

Length:  120m
Max width: 60m
Depth: approx. 7.5m
Volume: approx. 30,000m³
Scree for base: 2,000t
Fleece900: 42,000m²
Liner (1mm): 18,000m²
Structural steel (10mm): 105,000m
Reinforcement mat: 4,800m² Concrete: approx. 3,400m³
Rock for constructions:  10,000t Length of caves: 320m
Largest cave dome:  6m
Surface of cliffs: 4,000m²
Dive centre: approx. 2.500m²
Project duration: 1999 - 2005/2006 Real construction time:  3 years
(preliminary data)


View of the NaturaGart Underwater Park construction site.