Dive Sites - Crevice Hill

Dive Site: Crevice Hill

Between the Light Cave's northern exit and the exit of the gorge a vertical cliff reaches upward. Just before arriving at the gorge you will find a 1,5m wide crevice in the rock. It goes down to the ground of the pond and merges into a steeper slope after about 5 metres. The ground is covered with large rocks that form a maze of crevices. This is an ideal retreat, especially for nocturnal fish that hide during the day.
Norms for behaviour: You are a guest in this underwater world. Be aware that fish use such spots for rest and protection. Do not try to chase them out of the crevices. In there they have so many possibilities that it wouldn't work anyway. Crevice Hill was expressly built as a resting place for such fish.

Camera position: Slope of scree before the cliff.
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Have fun exploring the scuba park which at this point was still dry.

Crevice Hill and gorge are separated by a high rock wall.
The ground is covered with large boulders.
The structure with its gaps is best appreciated with specific lighting.

The rocks form mazes that are ideal hiding places.
In some places this forms double layers.
Zum Ufer geht der Spaltenhang in das Wandlabyrinth der Seerosenwelt über

In this are many camouflaged filtration pipes reach the ground of the pond.
Beneath the rocks the pipes lead on to the various suction points.
The slope of scree leads to rock walls with numerous gaps. Behind lies Water Lily World.