Leaving the cave through the southern exit (left). In the centre of the image is a side entrance. Pass it to the right toward the ground. |
Follow the left wall. At the bottom of the lake you reach a pillar that reaches 5m up and resembles a reef-like pillar. |
On the left side of this recess is the eastern entrance that leads back to the deepest point of the southern cave. |
The eastern entrance from the inside; at the top is an emergency exit. |
The same spot after filling the lake. Visibility is more than sufficient. |
View from this short side corridor to the cave's deepest point. |
To the left is the large pillar in front of the southern exit. |
Stay to the right and swim toward the group of pillars. |
About half way up, to the side, is an emergency exit. |
It leads to one of the large abutments that are hollow inside and open at the top. |
Inside is a 2 x 1.5m chimney through which you can dive down. |
View from below: Whoever comes from there always has preference! Therefore better feet first. |
The chimney has a side exit. Swim around the pillar and keep the wall to your left. |
About 10m further on you get to another pillar. This pillar, too, is hollow and allows you to get back to the main cave. |
Opposite lies the western entrance though which you first came, to the left the northern exit, through which you now leave the cave. |
The northern exit ends in a wide cavern. |
From there a 2m wide gorge leads back to the ground. |
Through a breach in the rock to the left you reach Crevice Hill. |
Construction of the Light Cave was a very special challenge. |
First we built a big 'cage' from mats of structural steel... |
...which we then covered with stones and concreted. |
Emergency exit and structural reinforcement for the lateral abutments. |
The pillars were finally reveted. |
Now the water could come... |
...and make possible the beautiful light effects... |
...cave perspectives and reflections... |
...that make this experience unforgettable for scuba divers. |